Apprentice Profile: James B

With an interest in mechanics, James wanted to find a job that would let him use some of the skills he had learnt throughout the years without turning his hobby into a career. An engineering apprenticeship at Moog was the ideal choice.
“I was introduced to Moog by a friend, but I wasn’t sure whether it was the right company for me,” James said. “Nevertheless, I found myself attending an interview. There, I met several amazing people, saw the facilities and was introduced to Moog’s core values – from there, I realised what an opportunity I had on my hands and that Moog was a great place to be part of.”
In James’ first year, he spent one day a week at college completing his technical certificate, which involved learning maths, sciences and CAD. The rest of the week saw him attend different cells alongside different apprentices to learn new skills using different tools and machinery, including lathes.
Now that James has completed his first year, he’s working hands-on at Moog for most of the week, shadowing members of the A&T department and working on specific projects. He spends one day a week at college furthering his technical qualifications.
“I’m really proud of my progression through the different areas I’ve worked in,” James said. “I have made a few mistakes along the way, but the feedback and guidance I received in each occasion has boosted my confidence greatly and has been very constructive.”
With a view to the future, James sees himself climbing the ladder at Moog, building up his own knowledge in order to be able to train and mentor new learners. “I hope to complete my senior tech certification over the next few years, and depending on how my apprenticeship goes, I’d be looking to continue my education at a higher level as Moog offers employees the chance to undertake a range of qualifications,” James concluded.
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